Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & its Mental Health Benefits

There are many thought leaders who have pressed the ever so present 2nd pandemic which is occurring currently – mental health crisis. It is unlikely to fully grasp whether it was the COVID-19 pandemic that precipitated mental health issues or if this crisis was present prior but just ignored. Increasingly, primary care physicians are taking […]
Antioxidants and Anti-inflammatory Foods that Promote Weight Loss

Many people are thinking about the extra pounds that we, unfortunately, gained over the long winter period. Certainly, the pandemic did not help that situation and perhaps we found that our New Year weight loss resolution just fell through. So here are some excellent foods that are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that will […]
Best Teas for Digestion

There are several great tea varieties that can help improve your digestive system or help alleviate a digestive ailment you may be experiencing either chronically or once in a while. First recognizing whether your digestive problem is due to an underlying autoimmune condition or malabsorption is crucial, so I recommend having a thorough conversation with […]