Many people are thinking about the extra pounds that we, unfortunately, gained over the long winter period. Certainly, the pandemic did not help that situation and perhaps we found that our New Year weight loss resolution just fell through. So here are some excellent foods that are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that will help with both weight loss and wellness. You will be one step closer to your vacation!
Boost Weight Loss & Wellness With These Powerful Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Foods
1. Berries
Berries, such as bilberry, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, chokeberry, and strawberry, are loaded with polyphenols that promote antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. My favorite polyphenol is flavonoids, like anthocyanins, which are perfect for helping during periods of inflammation and stress. Berries also contain resveratrol which has been linked to lower inflammation and cellular repair. Berries have been shown in many research studies to improve our cholesterol, lower our blood pressure, and improve our metabolism. A bonus is that many are also high in fiber.
2. Walnuts
Walnuts are mainly known as being a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which is excellent for decreasing our cardiovascular risk. They are packed with a high amount of mono and polyunsaturated fats. But a more interesting finding a few years ago showed people in a trial who consumed a walnut smoothie versus those who didn’t have both a decreased appetite and a greater ability to resist unhealthy food cues. It is believed that walnuts activate a part of our brain involved in appetite and impulse control – the insula. Walnuts are also great sources for magnesium and vitamin E, so add this to your breakfast or as a snack option in between meals.
3. Avocado
Although avocados seem to be a fad currently, they are great for weight loss and wellness. Avocados are high in fiber which helps you feel fuller faster and are great for helping us maintain a regular digestive process. Avocados are packed with numerous vitamins and minerals – especially those that are known for being largely antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, for example, vitamins C and E.