There are several great tea varieties that can help improve your digestive system or help alleviate a digestive ailment you may be experiencing either chronically or once in a while. First recognizing whether your digestive problem is due to an underlying autoimmune condition or malabsorption is crucial, so I recommend having a thorough conversation with your health care provider especially if gastrointestinal symptoms are persistent. However, for those who are looking to help improve their digestive system, there are several digestive health benefits in teas.
Below are great teas that help with digestion:
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is excellent herbal tea at helps soothe an upset stomach, especially when due to acid reflux. Peppermint is an herb that contains a compound called menthol which has been shown in research studies to improve many digestive issues. In addition to improving acid reflux, peppermint tea may help improve an inflammatory condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has been linked to also decreasing a rare condition that causes esophageal spasms which cause bloating, belching, and heartburn. A 2018 study in Nutrients found that peppermint oil showed a reported improvement in children with functional abdominal pain disorders. So there are many digestive benefits you can gain by drinking a few cups of peppermint tea. An additional bonus of peppermint tea is that it also has antimicrobial and antiviral benefits!
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is a great tea that can improve digestive health for those who suffer from ingestion, nausea, or delayed stomach emptying. Gingerol is a compound found in ginger tea that helps stimulate stomach emptying and processing of nutrients. Gingerol and another compound found in ginger tea called shogaol act on brain receptors called 5-HT. This activity can help improve nausea experienced by chemotherapy, morning sickness due to pregnancy, and also motion sickness. In addition to these benefits, ginger tea is a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant source. It has a longstanding history of medicinal use.
Senna Tea
Senna is an herb that comes from the Cassia plant. This is a great digestive tea for those suffering from bloats of constipation. Senna has been well researched and contains a compound called sennoside. Sennoside helps promote intestinal contraction and aid in bowel movements. It is a highly effective laxative option.
Black Tea
Black tea leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant, similar to white and green teas. Black tea aids in improving indigestion and gastric ulcers due to a compound called thearubigins. Thearubigins have been linked to suppressing inflammation, improving gastric emptying, and improving common indigestion causes. There’s one study that found that black tea helped treat and heal stomach ulcers in mice by suppressing inflammation. Black tea also has polyphenols which are compounds that help support healthy gut bacteria/flora. A healthy gut flora is necessary for adequate digestion of nutrients but also for a balanced metabolism.